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支持: 4.1/5
Okloc -手表店Magento主题
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支持: 4.1/5

Magento Mobile Themes for Responsive Website View

你如何才能接触到更多的用户并提高商店的销售转化率? 这个问题有一个解决办法! 为你的产品创建一个网站. You are guaranteed more sales because you reach more potential customers. Many CMSs simplify the development of any resource. In this article, we will describe Magento mobile themes. Items help you launch a high-quality shop for PCs and phones.


Magento开源 是市场上大型网店中最有效、最先进的内容管理系统吗, PHP编写. 就其提供的可能性而言,甚至一些商业产品也无法与之相比.

该项目的工作早在2007年就开始了. 第一次发射发生在2008年. 2011年,eBay收购了该软件. It was then that the platform began its commercial journey. Today, such templates are the most popular for creating online shops. 它是仅次于云设计器的 Shopify.

This system can hardly be called convenient and the best option for beginners. 如果没有技术技能,就无法在平台中部署所需的环境. 然而,它是大型项目的最佳解决方案,而不考虑许可证扣除. Providers adapted this system to the European and American markets. There are many payment solutions for such countries.

Main Requirements to Cover All Magento 特性

设计ers created such templates for online entrepreneurs. 在这个软件的帮助下开始一个博客或信息门户是没有意义的. 除了, the latest releases hint that webmasters should raise their qualification level, and internet business owners should raise their requirements. You need to take at least a VPS or a cloud server and configure the environment. Magento 2移动主题的当前版本需要以下主机配置:

  • 作曲家2.1
  • Elastic搜索 7.16或OpenSearch 1.2
  • 数据库服务器MariaDB版本10.4或MySQL版本8.0
  • PHP -不低于版本8.1
  • Apache 2.4或Nginx 1.18 web服务器
  • 复述,6.2
  • 清漆7.0

We recommend working with the OPcache caching system and at least 2 GB of RAM. The system does not support self-signed SSL certificates, 所以你可以通过官方供应商购买.


管理面板对初学者来说很难. 但当你全身心投入工作时, 添加功能, 将业务扩展到不同的市场, you understand that the admin panel of the engine is not the main thing. 当营业额增加时,在线商店转向辅助元素:CRM, ERP等. 这是你的关键员工工作的地方. Only quality integration of such functionality depends on the online store. 它是设计人员、内容编写者和SEO优化人员的工作界面.

If your hosting supports one-click CMS installation, you use this option. 但是版本2.4对此有限制. 您只能通过控制台并使用适当准备的软件环境开始操作.

The main functionality of the platform is built around goods. Pay minimal attention to editing and filling pages. 任何成功站点的结构都包括创建典型的部分(交付条件), 藏品描述, 联系人, 隐私政策, 销售条件描述, 等.). It is what you create once and never come back to it. 在Content部分中操作页面. 当您完成对接口的处理后,您应该开始用内容填充目录.


这种模板专门用于电子商务. 但是在扩展的帮助下, 您添加的功能将扩展站点,并使其对用户更有趣:博客, 评论, 等. 这些不是引擎的主要功能,而是辅助功能,可以帮助吸引更多的用户.

你不能只局限于一家店. You manage several independent storefronts on different domains at the same time.


  • 海量上传管理无限量产品目录,参数设置详细;
  • 支持复杂的过滤器和通过附加功能分发商品(完成), color, 和修改);
  • 设置缓存机制,加快页面加载速度,减少主机负载;
  • 推出多种语言和多种货币;
  • Management of discounts and provision of coupons;
  • 管理用户角色的复杂机制;
  • Integration with various payment and delivery systems;
  • 外部服务和软件的连接;
  • 支持Elastic搜索和OpenSearch;
  • Assembling pages in a specific online designer;
  • Everything you need to create a progressive web application;
  • 与Adobe Stock集成.

Adobe Commerce的官方目录包括3000多个插件,这些插件将改善Magento移动应用程序主题的功能. 你可以很容易地通过价格、特点、引擎版本等来过滤你需要的产品. 该目录也有许多免费的应用程序. 不禁止您使用第三方提供的扩展或编写自己的扩展. 但是我们建议检查它们的质量和平台版本的兼容性.


该系统是电子商务企业中最知名的、功能最强大的系统之一. It requires a lot of developer skills and a significant investment. Let's evaluate the pros and cons of the platform.


  • 开源设计,免费下载;
  • User-friendly and it is suitable for those who want to learn;
  • Wide internal interface with many available functions;
  • 一套令人印象深刻的功能与扩展和定制您的选择的可能性;
  • High scalability, which is suitable for growing companies;
  • A global community of users who will be happy to help you;
  • A large number of payment gateway integration options;
  • Many elements to customize a ready-made template or layout.


  • To start creating sites, you need a background in programming;
  • Limited support if you do not use the premium package;
  • Hosting, backups, and security are up to you and your ISP;
  • 缺乏一些集成功能,这意味着你需要专家的支持;
  • Getting help in case of bugs and errors is quite difficult.


您想自己定制皮肤吗? 我们为你准备了一个视频教程. 在这里,您将了解如何自定义模板、添加产品、内容等. 点击这个链接,享受吧.



该引擎拥有您在电子商务编程方面可以找到的最广泛的功能列表. It explains why large corporations choose this particular platform. 从营销工具到客户细分选项,您可以获得所需的一切. The open source includes standard functionality. You operate on 搜索 optimization with the help of Google tools, 谷歌内容API, 和方便的url搜索引擎. 营销和转换选项包括优惠券代码、客户群体、产品包等.


It is an ideal solution for a large business with thousands of 项目. 这是你的选择,如果你有一个市场,批发,或在世界各地销售. 你应该聘请专业人士来设计一个网站,满足你的所有要求.

How to Get Magento Mobile Themes from Template怪物?

First, you should register on the Template怪物 website. 现在您有了您的帐户. Choose the necessary item and add it to the shopping cart. 如果您对布局的布局功能或其自定义有任何疑问,请og体育的聊天. Our specialist sends a direct link to purchase the template. After that, you fill out the billing form with payment data. Choose a convenient payment gateway and transfer money. You will then receive an email or call to verify the process. 这可能需要几分钟. 你的账户里会有一个皮肤的链接. 下载并享受!


Template怪物提供高级商店主题. You get support from professionals, documentation, and extensive support. 你可以免费得到一些东西. 它是可用的 怪物One订阅. If you choose an ALL-IN-ONE annual or lifetime plan, 你下载模板, 插件, 照片, audio, 和其他图形从会员免费.