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Joomla 3.x. How to work with “Bootstrap Collapse” module

Ammy Brown August 18, 2015
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Joomla 3.x. How to work with “Bootstrap Collapse” module

This tutorial is going to show you how to work with “Bootstrap Collapse” module in Joomla 3.x templates:


The Bootstrap Collapse Module will display a fixed number of Articles from a specific Category or a set of Categories. It has more options than default Articles – Newsflash module and gets base styles and flexible support for collapsible components like accordions and navigation.

To configure your Bootstrap Collapse” module, please do the following:

  1. Navigate to Extensions > Module Manager section in your Joomla admin panel.

  2. Search for "Bootstrap Collapse" module. Open it to make your changes:


  3. You will see several tabs available on the module page:



    Details tab allows you to change general plugin settings:

    1. Enter your module title to the Title field.

    2. Show Title. Show/Hide module title on display. Effect will depend on the chrome style in the template.

    3. Position. You may select a module position from the modal display of predefined positions where you can filter by type and template, or enter your own module position by typing the name in the field and Save.

    4. Change module Status: Published, Unpublished and Trashed.

    5. Access. The access level group that is allowed to view this item.

    6. Specify module Ordering.

    7. Set up publishing date under the Start Publishing and Finish Publishing section.

    8. Language. Assign a language to the module.

    9. Note. An optional note to display in module list.


    Options tab has several sections:

    1. Basic Options


      • Category. Select Articles from a specific Category or a set of Categories. If no category is selected, it will show all categories by default.

      • Number of Articles. The number of Articles to display within this module.

      • Order Results. Select the order in which you want query results to be presented.

      • Custom link. Please choose if you want to display a custom link after the module title.

      • Custom link title.

      • Custom link route. Please select if you want the custom link to lead to the menu item or custom URL.

      • Custom link URL.

      • Custom Menu item.

      • Pretext. Input text you want to display before the module content. It doesn’t support any HTML tags.

    2. Item Settings


      • Tags. Show tags for module articles.

      • Published date. Display item publishing date.

      • Created by. Display author of the article.

      • Show intro images. Select if you want to display article intro images.

      • Intro image align. Select intro image alignment. It overrides article settings.

      • Show Content Images. Select whether to display Article images or not.

      • ‘Read more…’ Link. If set to Show, the ‘Read more…’ link will show up (if Main text has been provided for an Article).

    3. Advanced Options


      • Alternative Layout. Use a different layout from the supplied module or overrides in the templates.

      • Module Class Suffix. A suffix to be applied to the CSS class of the module. This allows having individual module styling.

      • Caching. Select whether to cache the content of this module.

      • Cache Time. The time before the module is re-cached.

      • Module Tag. The HTML tag for module.

      • Bootstrap Size. An option to specify how many columns the module will use.

      • Header Tag. The HTML tag for module header/title.

      • Header Class. The CSS class for module header/title.

      • Module Style. Use this option to override the template style for its position.

    Menu Assignment


    Menu Assignment section allows you to change module location settings. You can select pages on which your module will be shown.

  4. To add your content to the module, please do the following:

    • Open Content > Category Manager page in your admin panel. And click New to add new category:


    • Enter your category title, description and change its settings.

    • Navigate to Content > Article Manager page, click New to add your articles:


    • Add your article content, upload image, specify title and select your category from the Category dropdown:


    • Open "Bootstrap Collapse". Assign module to your category under the Options > Basic options section. Save changes and check your site:


If you search for more, we’d recommend to have a look at the selection of responsive Bootstrap templates.

Feel free to check the detailed video tutorial below:

Joomla 3.x. How to work with “Bootstrap Collapse” module

Html5 Joomla Templates
This entry was posted in Joomla! Tutorials and tagged Bootstrap, collapse, joomla, module. Bookmark the permalink.

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